sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013

Metas: Segunda- feira!!!!

Eu sei e já disse aqui várias vezes que este negocio do regime só começar na segunda é enrolação... mas eu vou começar sengunda..kkk é isso mesmo vou retomar a reeducação e as atividades na segunda, porque esta semana não deu... então vou traçar minha próxima meta e quero ver se dessa vez eu consigo, vou fazer metas curtas para ficar mais fácil...

Algém manda esta mulher por correio???






I don’t know why I love you, I just do.

A lot of people don’t like her because they think she’s insensitive and rude and they feel insulted and as if she’s belittling overweight people. Well fuck, she is. Being overweight is unhealthy, stop trying to justify it. Stop trying to make it seem okay. It’s not okay. Beautiful? Attractive? Yes, to some. But healthy? Satisfying? Eh, not really. She’s been over weight in her teens. She knows! I’m over weight for now and I know that i feel like shit, and I damn sure would LOVE to take her to the gym with me to insult me and yell at me and tell me I’m fat during my workout it would push me so much further than listening to some pop song. I love Jillian and there are no fucks given anywhere at all. Thank you.

Jesus Christ yes to that comment. Overweight is unhealthy, you aren’t a good person for calling someone obese beautiful over the internet so stop. 

No. No. Listen, I don’t want to start shit, but I think it would be irresponsible for me to let this pass across my dash unchallenged.
“Overweight” (which is a problematic word, so I’m just going to use “fat” henceforth, because that’s what people mean, anyway) is not automatically unhealthy. It’s associated with lots of health problems, sure, but that is a correlation, *not* a causation. Eating junk food constantly is unhealthy. Being sedentary is unhealthy. Being dehydrated or sleep deprived or *hating your own body* is unhealthy. But being fat  is not. One can eat a nutrient-rich diet, exercise frequently, drink all the water, have high self-esteem, etc., and still be fat as fuck. And that is okay. That is wonderful. One can be skinny, too, and be healthy. Or skinny and unhealthy. Or somewhere in-between. 
And, hey, guess what? Even if none of that were true - even if being just a little fat meant horrible health - belittling and shaming and bullying people for being unhealthy IS NOT OKAY. Do you know why so many fat people are unhappy? Because society tells them to be. Society tells them they are lazy, worthless, ugly, unhealthy, wrong, etc. Why should someone have to earn their right to live life un-bullied? 
Yes, I am a fitblr. Yes, I do want to lose weight (not all of us do). That may be a problematic choice, but it is a choice I am making for myself, and it is not automatically the healthiest choice. And it is certainly not the right choice for everyone. And, even if it were, that wouldn’t mean I should shame people for choosing differently. 
Not everyone wants to be thin. Not everyone can even manage it - many people have no access to healthy food, no time to cook or work out, or simply choose to prioritize other aspects of their lives - and that is absolutely no one else’s business.
I like Jillian Michaels’ workout DVDs. Sometimes I do them, when I can’t make it to the gym. But I find her, as a person, very problematic (the same goes for the entire BL staff; I don’t mean to pick on her personally) because she promotes weight loss as an end unto itself. On BL, she promotes very unhealthy, unrealistic, obsessive behaviors, and she emotionally abuses people in the name of weight loss. 
And I don’t think that that is healthy at all.
To the handful of people who read this: You do you. If you want to get healthy, then you get healthy - but don’t you let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful exactly as you are (and don’t let anyone try to make you care about beauty if you don’t), or that your body is automatically wrong, or that you can’t love yourself at every stage of your life.

I appreciate this rant ^ Thank you.

Pessoas!!! o único som que eu quero ouvir agora, é o som da sua gordura, queimando!

Olha aqui para quem tentar sabotar minha dieta:

obama is 800% done with your bullshit

hahahahahaha greatest pic ever of him.

Bjuuusss e ótimo fds...
terminei o post das fotos... achei super legal...


3 comentários:

  1. É isso ai,não pode desanimar, vou acompanhar sua evolução, tenha um ótimo findi.

  2. Oi Tati.... é isso ai, estabeleça metas... vou me esforçar ao maximo esse mes tbm.. começo academia na 2ª feira... vamos ver, estou empolgadissima...

  3. Adoreiiiiiii o gif hehehehhe

    isso mesmo se planeja e vamos simboraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
